Zemaye’s Take: For those of you who told me that salicylic acid doesn’t do anything for your breakouts, here are two new things to try: sulphur and charcoal. Charcoal absorbs excess oil. Masks and scrubs that contain charcoal are good for oily skin that easily gets...

Zemaye's Take: Pimples My face has never been smooth. Pimples have been my friends since forever. But it is a relationship I am slowly ending. Here is what has worked for me with pimples: 1. Food matters. What you put in your mouth affects your skin. Remember...

Ranyinudo did well with drinking only water for the first five days. Then on Saturday, she went to a wedding and drank two glasses of juice. “But it was just juice now, at least it is good for me,” she said. Actually juice is not so good...

Ranyinudo recently paid almost 50K for what she called a ‘slimming treatment’ at a spa. A complete waste of money. No ‘treatment’ will make you slim. Remember your secondary school biology. Only two things matter in weight loss: food and exercise. So we...