PART ONE When you are a public figure, people will write and say false things about you. It comes with the territory. Many of those things you brush aside. Many you ignore. The people close to you advise you that silence is best. And it often...

The Pastor in my friend Nneka’s church is always talking about tithes. He uses the Old Testament to tell people why they should give a percentage of their salary to the church. Many pastors in this country do that. They always tell us to go...

Zemaye’s Take: Vaginal Douche. I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy sanitary pads. And I noticed something. If you go into any major supermarket in Nigeria, you will see a shelf full of ‘feminine products.’ One of those ‘feminine products’ is the vaginal douche (the most...

Professor Ali Mazrui was a Kenyan scholar. Ceiling has read some of his writing, I haven’t. Ceiling isn’t too hot on him, especially because he said the man and Big Uncle Wole Soyinka used to seriously disagree. And Ceiling does not joke at all with...

Zemaye’s Take: For those of you who told me that salicylic acid doesn’t do anything for your breakouts, here are two new things to try: sulphur and charcoal. Charcoal absorbs excess oil. Masks and scrubs that contain charcoal are good for oily skin that easily gets...